
Oct 2, 2023

13 content marketing blogs to read as content writer

Maria Ruocco


As we have seen in previous articles, a product or service needs to be known by potential customers. You may have built the best product or offer the best services, but the success of your project will largely depend on your ability to reach your target audience.

What should be your goal when creating your content? Create valuable, actionable content that resonates with your audience.

If you're looking for inspiration and guidance to improve your digital marketing efforts, there are several top-rated content marketing blogs available that can provide you with valuable insights, tips, and examples.

In this blog post, we'll explore some of the best content marketing blogs available and how they can help you improve your digital marketing strategy.

1. Content Marketing Institute

The Content Marketing Institute (CMI) is a leading resource for all things related to content marketing. Founded by Joe Pulizzi in 2006, CMI offers a wide variety of strategies and ideas that can enhance every aspect of your digital marketing efforts.

Their blog covers topics such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), the current state of content marketing, future trends in digital marketing, top metrics for measuring campaign performance, and case studies of successful digital marketing efforts.

What sets CMI apart is their commitment to providing data-driven insights that marketers can use to guide their efforts. They regularly publish research on obstacles, challenges, and success stories in the world of content marketing.

Whether you're a company looking to enhance your overall digital marketing strategy or an individual blogger aiming to increase web traffic, the articles from CMI can be highly beneficial.

2. Hubspot

Hubspot is one of the most popular digital marketing companies globally and has an exceptional content marketing blog. Founded in 2006, Hubspot regularly publishes articles on a wide range of digital marketing topics, including inbound marketing, SEO, eCommerce, social media, and customer service.

What makes Hubspot's blog stand out is its focus on providing practical resources and tools that can help digital marketers grow their campaigns. They offer their own suite of products designed to track website rankings, conduct keyword research, improve domain authority, and more.

If you're looking for specific areas to improve in your digital marketing campaigns or want to stay updated on the latest trends and strategies in the industry, Hubspot's blog is a valuable resource.

3. Moz

Moz is one of the top blogs when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). With a wealth of free tools available and founded in 2004, Moz caters to both beginners and experts looking to optimize their websites for search engines.

Their blog covers a wide range of topics related to digital marketing. From search engine algorithms and tactics for the current digital landscape to video marketing and search intent - Moz offers insights into various aspects of SEO.

With its comprehensive database of tools and informative articles on niche areas like local SEO and long-tail keywords, Moz has become one of the go-to resources for digital marketers at all levels.

4. Neil Patel

Neil Patel is a well-known expert in the field of digital marketing. With over 20 years of experience under his belt since starting his website in 2001 at age 16, Neil Patel offers a wealth of knowledge through his extensive collection of articles.

His blog covers various topics such as pay-per-click campaigns (PPC), SEO techniques, email marketing strategies, social media marketing tips, domain authority improvement methods, and much more. Additionally, he provides reviews on tools that can help boost your digital marketing efforts.

Whether you're looking for advice on specific areas or want to learn how to produce high-quality content that converts, Neil Patel's blog is a valuable resource for marketers of all levels.

5. Editby

Editby has a must-read content marketing blog for anyone involved in creating content online. Founded in 2022, Editby focuses on improving performance during the content creation phase and growth strategies for content creators, journalists, etc.

Editby offers a wide range of tools that allow you to create content much faster and more effectively. You can create the draft of an article in a few seconds starting from your reference sources.

Whether you're looking to improve your content marketing campaigns, improve your copywriting skills, or learn to write persuasively in the digital age, Copyblogger has valuable insights and practical tips to offer you.

Some articles that can help you:

6. Unbounce

Unbounce is known for its cutting-edge digital marketing ideas and strategies. Founded in 2009, Unbounce covers a wide variety of topics that other blogs might not touch upon. They regularly hold webinars, virtual events, and conduct expert interviews with professionals from the industry.

One unique feature offered by Unbounce is their free landing page analyzer tool. This tool helps optimize conversion rates for PPC campaigns by analyzing landing pages and providing recommendations for improvement.

With their strong reputation as one of the top digital marketing resources in the field and their focus on innovative ideas, Unbounce can help you stay ahead of your competitors and explore new avenues for growth.

7. Orbit Media

Orbit Media is not just a development studio - they also have an insightful marketing blog that offers advice on increasing your online visibility. Led by Andy Crestodina and co-founder Amanda Gant since its founding in 2001, Orbit Media provides professional services to small businesses while sharing valuable advice through their blog.

Their articles cover various topics such as web design best practices, user interface optimization, web analytics, and more. They prioritize transparency and provide insights into how success is quantified in marketing strategies.

Whether you're interested in hiring their services or simply looking for ways to improve your online presence, Orbit Media's blog can help you design a strategic website and increase your conversion rate.

8. eMarketer

As the name suggests, eMarketer is the go-to blog if you want to learn more about eCommerce. Founded in 1996, eMarketer offers predictions, information, and insights on the role of eCommerce across different industries.

Their blog covers topics such as social engagement, mobile purchasing trends, B2B marketing strategies, and provides visual representations through infographics. In addition to regular blog posts, they also offer videos, podcasts, and webinars to keep you updated on the rapid changes in the online world.

If you're considering setting up an eCommerce channel or want to stay informed about industry trends related to online sales and marketing strategies, eMarketer's blog is a valuable resource.

These content marketing blogs offer a wealth of knowledge and practical advice that can help enhance your digital marketing strategy.

Whether you're looking for guidance on SEO techniques or tips on persuasive writing in the digital era - these blogs have got you covered.

Stay up-to-date with the latest trends by following these blogs regularly and take your digital marketing efforts to new heights.

To make the most of your content marketing strategy, it's important to stay informed about the latest trends and techniques in the industry.
That's why it's essential to follow these top content marketing blogs regularly.

...But wait, there are a few more blogs that deserve mention!

9. CoSchedule

CoSchedule is a comprehensive resource for all things related to content marketing.

Their blog offers insights into various aspects of content creation, optimization, and distribution. Whether you're looking for tips on grammar checking, content writing apps, or finding content writing jobs, CoSchedule has got you covered.

They also provide in-depth reviews of popular tools like Grammarly and ProWritingAid to help you choose the best options for your needs. With their expertise and focus on providing valuable resources for content marketers, CoSchedule is definitely worth checking out.

10. Buffer

Buffer is known for its social media scheduling tool but they also have an informative blog focused on digital marketing and social media strategies. Their blog covers a wide range of topics including creating engaging social media posts, building your brand on Instagram and Facebook, and using storytelling in your marketing efforts.

Buffer's blog stands out because they often share insights from their own experiences as a company. They provide real-life examples of how they've implemented successful strategies which can be invaluable when trying to replicate their success.

11. Quick Sprout

Quick Sprout is another blog founded by Neil Patel that focuses primarily on digital marketing tactics and strategies. The blog covers topics such as SEO optimization techniques, conversion rate optimization (CRO), email marketing best practices, and much more.

With its easy-to-understand articles and step-by-step guides, Quick Sprout provides actionable advice that marketers can implement right away to improve their digital campaigns' performance.

12. Backlinko

Backlinko is a go-to resource if you're interested in learning advanced SEO techniques to drive organic traffic to your website. Founded by Brian Dean, Backlinko offers comprehensive guides on topics such as link building, keyword research, and on-page SEO optimization.

What sets Backlinko apart is its focus on data-driven strategies and case studies. Brian Dean often conducts experiments to test different SEO tactics and shares the results with his readers. This makes Backlinko a trusted source for actionable SEO advice that can help you outrank your competitors.

13. Social Media Examiner

Social Media Examiner is the ultimate resource for all things social media marketing. Their blog covers a wide range of topics including Facebook advertising, Instagram marketing, YouTube strategies, and more.

What's unique about Social Media Examiner is their commitment to providing expert insights through interviews with industry professionals. They regularly feature thought leaders who share their tips and tricks for success in social media marketing.

Now that you know about these additional content marketing blogs, you have an even broader pool of resources to tap into for inspiration and guidance.


In conclusion, staying updated with the latest trends and best practices in content marketing is essential if you want to stay ahead of the competition.

By following these top content marketing blogs regularly, you'll gain valuable insights and practical tips that can help boost your digital marketing strategy.

Don't forget that leveraging AI-powered tools like Editby, companies can create personalized content that:

  • aligns with individual intentions;

  • improving the overall customer experience; and

  • increasing conversion rates.

Learn more here: Editby

Spanish version 🇪🇸

Maria Ruocco