
Jan 16, 2024

Youtube Video To Article with AI: How to convert any video into text content [2024 Guide]

Maria Ruocco

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Youtube Video To Article with AI: How to convert any video into text content [2024 Guide]

Introduction to AI-Powered Content Creation

The rise of AI has revolutionized many industries. Content creation is no exception. AI-powered tools can now convert video content into written articles. This makes it easier for marketers and bloggers to produce consistent, valuable content for their audiences.

These tools use advanced algorithms to transcribe spoken words from videos. Then, they reformat the transcriptions into coherent written text. They maintain the original message's intent. For example, an AI tool could take a 1-hour video interview and convert the speech to text. Then, it could structure it into a logical article outline with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

This technology saves time. It also opens up new possibilities for repurposing existing video material. Instead of watching a full video or taking manual notes, you can quickly use AI to turn videos into shareable articles.

Benefits of using AI for video-to-article conversion:

  • Saves time - No need to watch and take notes from long videos manually

  • Repurpose content - Turn existing videos into new article assets

  • Optimize for SEO - Incorporate keywords and optimize repurposed articles

  • Increase reach - Publish articles on a blog, social media, etc, to expand the audience

According to a survey by Social Media Today, 93% of marketers leveraged video in 2021, indicating the massive popularity of video content. With AI, we can unlock even more value from these videos through article creation.

Understanding Keywords for SEO Ranking

Before diving into converting videos to articles, it's crucial to understand the role of keywords in SEO ranking. Keywords are terms or phrases that people use when searching for information online. They are the cornerstone of search engine optimization (SEO) as they help determine where your content will appear on search engine results pages (SERPs).

To rank well on SERPs and attract organic traffic, your article must include relevant keywords that align with what your target audience is searching for. Proper keyword research and incorporation during the article creation process are essential.

For example, if you wanted to rank for "B2B startup sales strategies", you would need to sprinkle that main keyword along with related keywords throughout your article content.

Selecting the Right Keywords for Your Article

Selecting the right keywords involves research and strategy. You want to choose keywords with high search volumes but low competition—this means many people are looking for these terms, yet there isn't enough quality content to answer their queries.

Tips for selecting keywords:

  • Use keyword research tools to analyze search volume and competition data

  • Identify keywords aligned to your topic that have decent search volume

  • Prioritize long-tail, specific keywords as they will have less competition

  • Find low-competition keywords to "rank hack" and get easy wins

Long-tail keywords—specific phrases composed of three or more words—are beneficial because they cater to niche audiences and often have less competition than broader terms.

For example, "content writing tips" would be a more competitive short-tail keyword, whereas "how to improve technical content writing skills" is a particular long-tail keyword that likely has less competition. I'd like you to focus on sprinkling long-tail variations throughout your article.

Overview of the Platform is an AI-powered platform that simplifies keyword research and allows users to convert YouTube videos into articles seamlessly. It provides insights into keyword trends, difficulty levels, and search volumes—all essential data points for planning your SEO strategy.

Here are some key features of Editby that make it useful for video-to-article conversion:

  • Keyword research - Get search volume and competition data on keywords

  • Video transcription - Upload/integrate videos to be transcribed

  • SEO optimization - Tools to analyze and improve article optimization

  • Document management - Manage multiple articles and docs from one dashboard

With's intuitive interface, you can easily manage documents while accessing features tailored specifically towards enhancing social media presence alongside blog post creation.

Step-by-Step Guide: Converting YouTube Videos into Articles

Converting a YouTube video into an article using involves several key steps:

1. Find Relevant YouTube Videos

  • Search YouTube to find eight relevant videos about your topic

  • Look for videos with valuable insights to repurpose

  • Shortlist the best videos to use

For example, if writing about "B2B sales strategies", you could search YouTube and find eight videos from industry experts providing sales tips.

2. Integrate Videos into Editby

  • Copy/paste the YouTube links into Editby

  • Let Editby automatically transcribe the video audio into text

  • Ensure transcription accuracy using the editor

Editby's AI algorithm will analyze the audio and convert speech to text. You can then review the transcription and fix any errors.

3. Structure & Format Article

  • Structure the raw transcription into logical sections using headings and paragraphs

  • Format text for readability by bolding key points, adding lists, etc

  • Follow best practices for writing blog posts

Treat the raw transcription as a content source to build your article. Structure it properly so the ideas flow coherently.

4. Incorporate Relevant Keywords

  • Refer to keyword research and identify 12-15 relevant keywords

  • Organically incorporate keywords into content without over-optimizing

  • Use related variations of the keywords for better results

With the article structure finalized, strategically add keywords and keyword variations throughout to optimize for SEO.

5. Edit and Refine Article

  • Proofread the article and fix any errors or awkward phrasings

  • Refine and tweak content structure as needed

  • Run one final SEO check (word count, headings, keywords, etc.)

You can wrap up by self-editing your article to resolve errors and polish the content. Double-check all SEO factors before publishing.

By carefully following these steps, you’ll end up with an informative blog post derived straight from video content!

Repurposing video to text also helps diversify your content formats, saving production time and effort.

Analyzing Search Volume Data for Keyword Selection

When choosing keywords based on search volume data provided by platforms like

  • Look at both short-tail (broad) and long-tail (specific) options available within the platform’s database

  • Compare their respective monthly searches against each other

  • Optimize those with higher potential to drive significant amounts of targeted traffic to your website

For example, a long-tail variation like "strategies for improving B2B startup sales" may only have 730 monthly searches. A shorter variation like "B2B startup sales" could have 15,500 monthly searches.

In this case, you would focus your article on optimizing for the shorter, higher volume "B2B startup sales" term to drive more traffic. But you can also sprinkle in a few mentions of the extended tail version.

This analysis helps prioritize which terms should be focused upon during the writing phase to ensure maximum visibility and online readership growth over time. Dedicate 20% of your time to keyword research using Editby’s data.

Crafting Engaging Content from Video Transcripts

Once you've converted your chosen YouTube video(s) transcript(s), the next step is crafting an engaging piece of writing out of them:

1. Identify Main Ideas

  • Analyze the transcript and highlight the core topics covered

  • Note key insights, examples, and data points provided

  • Decide which points translate well into article format

Focus on the 10-15% most insightful or shareable points from the transcript.

2. Expand on Details

  • For critical points, add context/elaboration using examples and data

  • Supplement with facts and statistics if needed

  • Rephrase technical points into simple language

Don't just copy the transcript text verbatim. Build upon the core ideas with additional details the reader would find interesting.

3. Maintain Original Voice/Tone

  • As you elaborate on content, retain the original speaker’s tone

  • Adapt wording to be more readable while preserving intended messaging

Your additions should ensure the article flows well while respecting the speaker’s original perspectives and ideas.

I want you to know that doing so ensures the final article remains true to the source video while providing your audience with a more digestible, engaging reading experience.

Tips for Optimizing Your AI-Generated Articles

Here are some tips for optimizing AI-generated articles:

Fix Awkward Phrasings

  • Carefully proofread and edit the article

  • Rephrase unnatural-sounding sentences caused by direct transcription issues

  • Maintain a professional, human-sounding tone

While AI transcription can be accurate, it does make errors. Be diligent about correcting odd phrasings.

Add Multimedia Elements

  • Include relevant images and graphics to reinforce key points

  • Create simple charts or infographics to visualize data/stats referenced

  • Break up text with non-stock image selections

Sprinkling in visuals helps improve engagement as most readers skim articles.

Check Word Count & Readability

  • Verify article length is between 2000 - 3000 words

  • Review the readability score to ensure a suitable reading level

  • Break up lengthy paragraphs when needed

These factors impact both reader experience and SEO effectiveness.

Following these optimization tips improves the quality and performance of AI-generated articles across all key metrics.

Common Pitfalls in Video-to-Article Conversion

Here are some common pitfalls to avoid during the video transcription and article creation process:

Failing to Proofread

Not properly proofreading completed articles leads to the following:

  • Confusing errors and awkward phrasings

  • Compromised professionalism

  • Reduced reader trust/reliance

You can just take time to self-edit instead of publishing the first draft.

Stuffing Articles With Keywords

Over-optimizing with keywords by:

  • Forcing in irrelevant keyword mentions

  • High keyword density like > 5%

  • Repeating the same keyword over 20 times

This gets content penalized by Google.

Losing Context From Original Footage

Failing to rewatch the source video can lead to the following:

  • Missing critical nuances and intended messaging

  • Inaccurate representation of the speaker’s ideas

  • Contradicting the video’s context

Always recheck footage for critical details.

By avoiding these missteps, you’ll ensure high-quality, engaging articles that provide value to readers while aligning with the original video footage context.


Converting YouTube videos into optimized articles leveraging AI transcription and writing tools like Editby opens up tremendous content repurposing opportunities.

Turning existing videos into fresh, written assets in minutes revolutionizes content production. Following the best practices outlined in this 2024 guide, you can unlock more value from video content while efficiently creating informative, engaging articles at scale.

Focus on meticulous editing, strategic keyword incorporation, and adding engaging elaborations during your AI-assisted article creation process. Do this consistently across all your video assets to grow your audience and bolster your SEO rankings through repurposed high-value content.

Maria Ruocco

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Editby helps content writers, companies, newsletter writers and more.


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Editby helps content writers, companies, newsletter writers and more.


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Editby helps content writers, companies, newsletter writers and more.
